
I finally moved to Linux (again)

It took me a while to finally get back to Linux. I had been using Windows primarily for FL Studio, but now I don't care, and honestly, I'm happier here even if that means I won't make music anymore.

Currently, I'm learning to code with CLISP and Emacs. One great thing about Linux is that I now have much more space, as Windows used up way too much storage with updates and other unnecessary stuff that I don't understand.

Initially, I installed Linux and encrypted it with LUKS, but for some reason (probably my fault), it didn't boot after the first boot. There was no tty message or anything. I was exhausted because installing from the base can be quite demanding, so I decided to go with Fedora. I don't like derived distributions, not even a bit; I prefer to stick with the original stuff, which is why I didn't use Manjaro or other distributions with custom repositories and unnecessary control.

Overall, I'm really enjoying Linux. It saddens me not being able to make music anymore, but I believe I'll get over it sooner or later. So that's it, I just wanted to update this site :)

Check my links on the main page.

Linux desktop
